Sunday, February 6, 2022


*केवलं ग्रह नक्षत्रं न करोति शुभाशुभं।*
*सर्वमात्रकृतं कर्मं लोकवादो ग्रहा इति।।*

किसी व्यक्ति के जीवन में शुभ और अशुभ घटनाएँ उसके द्वारा किये हुए कर्मों से होती हैं और केवल ग्रहों और नक्षत्रों के प्रभाव से नहीं होती हैं।
समाज में व्याप्त यह एक गलत धारणा मात्र है।

रामचरितमानस में भी गोस्वामी तुलसीदास जी ने लिखा है: 

*कादर मन कहुँ एक अधारा।*
*दैव दैव आलसी पुकारा।।*

यह दैव तो कायर के मन का एक आधार (तसल्ली देने का उपाय) है। आलसी लोग ही दैव-दैव पुकारा करते हैं।

Auspicious and inauspicious events in the life of men occur due to their actions and not simply due to influence of planets and stars as is the wrong perception in the society.
We should not leave every thing to the fate but perform virtuous deeds in our life.

पुरुषार्थ हमारा सहचर हो,
भाग्य भरोसे बस कायर हो,
व्यस्त रहें हम स्वस्थ रहें हम,
नाम राम का हर मुख पर हो।


Friday, February 4, 2022

जय माँ सरस्वती

*सरस्वतीं च तां नौमि वागधिष्ठातृदेवताम्।*
*देवत्वं प्रतिपद्यन्ते यदनुग्रहतो जना:॥*

यदि वाणी का अनुग्रह हो तो सामान्य जन भी देवत्व से पूरित हो जाते हैं अर्थात् देव तुल्य बन जाते हैं।

वाणी की अधिष्ठात्री देवी सरस्वती को नमन है।

If Speech of a person is well mannered, he will become a noble. I bow towards _Saraswati_ the Goddess of Speech.

बसंत के आगमन एवं सृष्टि के प्रारम्भ होने के इस विशेष दिवस _बसंत पंचमी_ पर माँ सरस्वती का वंदन कर अपनी वाणी में सदैव विराजित रहने की प्रार्थना करें।


Tuesday, February 1, 2022


*सत्यस्य वचनं श्रेयः सत्यादपि हितं वदेत्।*
*यद्भूतहितमत्यन्तं एतत् सत्यं मतं मम्।।* 
महाभारत : वनपर्व।

सत्य बोलना श्रेयस्कर है; परन्तु सत्य से भी अधिक ऐसा बोलना अच्छा है जिससे सभी प्राणियों का हित हो। क्योंकि जिससे सब प्राणियों का अत्यन्त हित होता है, वही हमारे मत से सत्य है।

Though telling the TRUTH is good but only that truth must be spoken which can benefit all. We believe,  that benefits all is only the Truth.

सत्य वही जो कल्याण करे,
हर जन के मन का त्राण हरे,
पर मिथ्या कब हितकारी है,
बस मौन सभी पर भारी है।

QR Code Maker

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Generate QR Code


Right Click on QR Code Image


Save Image To Your Computer

Online QR Code Generator Tool

What is QR Code?

QR codes are a type of barcode that can be scanned by a QR code reader in order to obtain information. They are encoded with data related to a certain subject, and they can be used in many different ways. QR codes are useful for storing URLs, contact information, and more.

QR codes are a form of 2-dimensional barcode that can store large amounts of data. QR codes are most often used to encode URLs for quick access, but they can also be used to encode any type of data. QR codes are read using a phone's camera and an app, which decodes the information encoded in the code and takes the user to the desired website or other data.

QR codes are a type of matrix barcode, or two-dimensional code, that is used to convey information. They are most commonly used in marketing. QR codes can be scanned by smartphones and can be used to direct users to websites, social media pages, or videos.

QR (Quick Response) codes are a type of two-dimensional barcode. They are used to encode information and can be read by smartphones, tablet computers, and dedicated QR readers. The QR code was invented in Japan by Denso-Wave in 1994 to track vehicles during the manufacturing process. QR codes are now commonly used for storing URLs and other information which can be accessed via a smartphone's web browser.

A QR code, or Quick Response code, is a machine-readable code consisting of black modules arranged in a square pattern on a white background. These black modules are actually tiny square cells that can each contain one of 256 possible colors. QR codes have been used in advertising and packaging to perform functions such as product tracking and marketing.

Where was QR Code Found?

QR codes were first popularized in Japan, but have since become extremely common in other parts of the world. Today, QR codes are used in marketing and advertising. In Japan, QR codes are often used for product tracking. They can also be used for various functions including product authentication, product tracking, customer service, product information, and more.

QR codes are also used in other ways. You could, for example put a QR code on an ad that links to a video or a website. Or you could write a QR code on a business card with a link to an online form to help your customers contact a company. You can also use QR codes to find information online.

QR Code Maker

QR code maker online tool is a web-based QR code generator that allows the user to create QR codes quickly and easily from any URL, text, or image. The QR code generator is extremely simple to use and does not require any coding knowledge to use, which makes it an easy and efficient method of QR code generation. This website is free and can be used to create QR codes for both personal and commercial use. The QR code generator is available to use in any country.

Instagram Hashtag Generator

One-Click Instagram Hash Tags Finder Online

Instagram is a photo-sharing social networking service that allows users to share pictures and videos, as well as follow the activities of other users. It has over 500 million users, and each user can post up to 30 hashtags on a single post. This tool provides a list of all the hashtags a user has used on Instagram.
Hashtags are used by social media users to categorize their posts by topic, allowing them to be easily found by other users who are interested in that particular topic. 

Instagram is a social media platform where people can share their photos with friends, family, and the world at large. When uploading a photo to Instagram, users can add hashtags to their posts so that other Instagram users can easily find it. Hashtags are also used on Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, Tumblr, etc. This tool is designed to help you find relevant hashtags on Instagram.

Instagram is a well-known social media platform, particularly well-known for its use of hashtags to tag photos. The hash tags are defined as a word or phrase that follows the "#" symbol and is used to categorize photos and other posts. Hashtags have also been known to trend, meaning that they have been used by so many people that they appear at the top of the list of current trends on Instagram. Hashtags are easy to use, but the process of finding the right one can be time-consuming and difficult.


Website speed test online tool can be a very useful way to test how fast a website loads. There are many websites that offer this service but our website speed testing tool is much effective and gets correct results, with our free website speed test tool it is a good idea to check the speed of any website before you visit it, if a website is slow, it can lead to frustration and even cause you to leave the site before you have had a chance to see what it has to offer.

Website speed test online is useful if you are hosting your own website, or want to test how fast a website is that you are visiting. Different websites have different speeds, and it is important that your website loads quickly so that visitors do not get frustrated and leave.

A website speed test is an online tool used to determine the speed at which a website loads on a computer. These tests are usually conducted with the goal of determining the speed at which a site will load for visitors, or determining if an online business is likely to have high bounce rates due to slow loading speeds. Website speed tests are also commonly employed by web developers as a way of determining if new coding changes have improved the loading speeds of their sites.

Website speed is key to a successful site and can make or break whether or not users stay on your site. A slow loading website is frustrating and can cause people to leave before they even get what they’re looking for. Fortunately, there are many tools online that allow you to test the speed of your website and identify any issues that may be slowing it down.